Range Calendar

A range calendar consists of a grouping element containing one or more date grids (e.g. months), and a previous and next button for navigating through time. Each calendar grid consists of cells containing button elements that can be pressed and navigated to using the arrow keys to select a date range. Once a start date is selected, the user can navigate to another date using the keyboard or by hovering over it, and clicking it or pressing the Enter key commits the selected date range.


npx nextui-cli@latest add calendar
The above command is for individual installation only. You may skip this step if @nextui-org/react is already installed globally.



A RangeCalendar has no selection by default. An initial, uncontrolled value can be provided to the RangeCalendar using the defaultValue prop. Alternatively, a controlled value can be provided using the value prop.

Date values are provided using objects in the @internationalized/date package. This library handles correct international date manipulation across calendars, time zones, and other localization concerns.


The isDisabled boolean prop makes the Calendar disabled. Cells cannot be focused or selected.

Read Only

The isReadOnly boolean prop makes the Calendar's value immutable. Unlike isDisabled, the Calendar remains focusable.


A Calendar has no selection by default. An initial, uncontrolled value can be provided to the Calendar using the defaultValue prop. Alternatively, a controlled value can be provided using the value prop.

Min Date Value

By default, Calendar allows selecting any date. The minValue can also be used to prevent the user from selecting dates outside a certain range.

This example only accepts dates after today.

Max Date Value

By default, Calendar allows selecting any date. The maxValue can also be used to prevent the user from selecting dates outside a certain range.

This example only accepts dates before today.

Unavailable Dates

Calendar supports marking certain dates as unavailable. These dates remain focusable with the keyboard so that navigation is consistent, but cannot be selected by the user. In this example, they are displayed in red. The isDateUnavailable prop accepts a callback that is called to evaluate whether each visible date is unavailable.

Non-Contiguous Ranges

The allowsNonContiguousRanges prop enables a range to be selected even if there are unavailable dates in the middle. The value emitted in the onChange event will still be a single range with a start and end property, but unavailable dates will not be displayed as selected. It is up to applications to split the full selected range into multiple as needed for business logic.

This example prevents selecting weekends, but allows selecting ranges that span multiple weeks.

Controlled Focused Value

Calendar tries to avoid allowing the user to select invalid dates in the first place. However, if according to application logic a selected date is invalid, the isInvalid prop can be set. This alerts assistive technology users that the selection is invalid, and can be used for styling purposes as well. In addition, the errorMessage slot may be used to help the user fix the issue.

By default, the selected date is focused when a Calendar first mounts. If no value or defaultValue prop is provided, then the current date is focused. However, Calendar supports controlling which date is focused using the focusedValue and onFocusChange props. This also determines which month is visible. The defaultFocusedValue prop allows setting the initial focused date when the Calendar first mounts, without controlling it.

Invalid Date

This example validates that the selected date is a weekday and not a weekend according to the current locale.

International Calendars

Calendar supports selecting dates in many calendar systems used around the world, including Gregorian, Hebrew, Indian, Islamic, Buddhist, and more. Dates are automatically displayed in the appropriate calendar system for the user's locale. The calendar system can be overridden using the Unicode calendar locale extension, passed to the Provider component.

Visible Months

By default, the Calendar displays a single month. The visibleMonths prop allows displaying up to 3 months at a time.

Page Behaviour

By default, when pressing the next or previous buttons, pagination will advance by the visibleMonths value. This behavior can be changed to page by single months instead, by setting pageBehavior to single.


Here's the example to customize topContent and bottomContent to have some preset values.


  • base: Calendar wrapper, it handles alignment, placement, and general appearance.
  • prevButton: The previous button of the calendar.
  • nextButton: The next button of the calendar.
  • headerWrapper: Wraps the picker (month / year).
  • header: The header element.
  • title: A description of the visible date range, for use in the calendar title.
  • gridWrapper: The wrapper for the calendar grid.
  • grid: The date grid element (e.g. <table>).
  • gridHeader: The date grid header element (e.g. <th>).
  • gridHeaderRow: The date grid header row element (e.g. <tr>).
  • gridHeaderCell: The date grid header cell element (e.g. <td>).
  • gridBody: The date grid body element (e.g. <tbody>).
  • gridBodyRow: The date grid body row element (e.g. <tr>).
  • cell: The date grid cell element (e.g. <td>).
  • cellButton: The button element within the cell.
  • pickerWrapper: The wrapper for the picker
  • pickerMonthList: The month list picker.
  • pickerYearList: The year list picker.
  • pickerHighlight: The highlighted item of the picker.
  • pickerItem: The item of the picker.
  • helperWrapper: The helper message of the calendar.
  • errorMessage: The error message of the calendar.

Data Attributes

Calendar has the following attributes on the CalendarCell element:

  • data-focused: Whether the cell is focused.
  • data-hovered: Whether the cell is currently hovered with a mouse.
  • data-pressed: Whether the cell is currently being pressed.
  • data-unavailable: Whether the cell is unavailable, according to the calendar's isDateUnavailable prop. Unavailable dates remain focusable, but cannot be selected by the user. They should be displayed with a visual affordance to indicate they are unavailable, such as a different color or a strikethrough.
  • data-disabled: Whether the cell is disabled, according to the calendar's minValue, maxValue, and isDisabled props.
  • data-focus-visible: Whether the cell is keyboard focused.
  • data-outside-visible-range: Whether the cell is outside the visible range of the calendar.
  • data-outside-month: Whether the cell is outside the current month.
  • data-selected: Whether the cell is selected.
  • data-selected-start: Whether the cell is the first date in a range selection.
  • data-selected-end: Whether the cell is the last date in a range selection.
  • data-invalid: Whether the cell is part of an invalid selection.


  • Display one or more months at once, or a custom time range for use cases like a week view. Minimum and maximum values, unavailable dates, and non-contiguous selections are supported as well.
  • Support for 13 calendar systems used around the world, including Gregorian, Buddhist, Islamic, Persian, and more. Locale-specific formatting, number systems, and right-to-left support are available as well.
  • Calendar cells can be navigated and selected using the keyboard, and localized screen reader messages are included to announce when the selection and visible date range change.


RangeCalendar Props

value`RangeValuenull`The current value (controlled).-
defaultValue`RangeValuenull`The default value (uncontrolled).-
minValueDateValueThe minimum allowed date that a user may select.-
maxValueDateValueThe maximum allowed date that a user may select.-
colordefault | primary | secondary | success | warning | dangerThe color of the time input.default
visibleMonthsnumberThe number of months to display at once. Up to 3 months are supported.1
focusedValueDateValueControls the currently focused date within the calendar.-
defaultFocusedValueDateValueThe date that is focused when the calendar first mounts (uncountrolled).-
calendarWidthnumber | stringThe width to be applied to the calendar component. This value is multiplied by the visibleMonths number to determine the total width of the calendar.256
pageBehaviorPageBehaviorControls the behavior of paging. Pagination either works by advancing the visible page by visibleDuration (default) or one unit of visibleDuration.visible
weekdayStyle"narrow" |"short" | "long" | undefinedThe style of weekday names to display in the calendar grid header, e.g. single letter, abbreviation, or full day name.narrow
allowsNonContiguousRangesbooleanWhen combined with isDateUnavailable, determines whether non-contiguous ranges, i.e. ranges containing unavailable dates, may be selected.false
isDisabledbooleanWhether the calendar is disabled.false
isReadOnlybooleanWhether the calendar value is immutable.false
isInvalidbooleanWhether the current selection is invalid according to application logic.-
autoFocusbooleanWhether to automatically focus the calendar when it mounts.false
showHelperbooleanWhether to show the description or error message.false
showShadowbooleanWhether to show the shadow in the selected dates.false
topContentReactNodeCustom content to be included in the top of the calendar.-
bottomContentReactNodeCustom content to be included in the bottom of the calendar.-
isDateUnavailable(date: DateValue) => booleanCallback that is called for each date of the calendar. If it returns true, then the date is unavailable.-
createCalendar(calendar: SupportedCalendars) => Calendar | nullThis function helps to reduce the bundle size by providing a custom calendar system. You can also use the NextUIProvider to provide the createCalendar function to all nested components.all<br> calendars
errorMessageReactNode | (v: ValidationResult) => ReactNodeAn error message for the field.-
validate(value: { inputValue: string, selectedKey: React.Key }) => ValidationError | true | null | undefinedValidate input values when committing (e.g. on blur), returning error messages for invalid values. Validation errors are displayed upon form submission if validationBehavior is set to native. For real-time validation, use the isInvalid prop.-
hideDisabledDatesbooleanWhether to hide the disabled or invalid dates.false
disableAnimationbooleanWhether to disable the animation of the calendar.false
classNamesRecord<"base"| "prevButton"| "nextButton"| "headerWrapper" | "header" | "title" | "content" | "gridWrapper" | "grid" | "gridHeader" | "gridHeaderRow" | "gridHeaderCell" | "gridBody" | "gridBodyRow" | "cell" | "cellButton" | "pickerWrapper" | "pickerMonthList" | "pickerYearList" | "pickerHighlight" | "pickerItem" | "helperWrapper" | "errorMessage", string>Allows to set custom class names for the calendar slots.-

RangeCalendar Events

onFocusChange(date: CalendarDate) => voidHandler that is called when the focused date changes.
onChange(value: RangeValue<MappedDateValue<DateValue>>) => voidHandler that is called when the value changes.

Supported Calendars

* Supported react-aria i18n calendars.
export type SupportedCalendars =
| "buddhist"
| "ethiopic"
| "ethioaa"
| "coptic"
| "hebrew"
| "indian"
| "islamic-civil"
| "islamic-tbla"
| "islamic-umalqura"
| "japanese"
| "persian"
| "roc"
| "gregory";